How to Hang Art and Art Display Advice from the Pros

Gallery System customers often ask for advice on how to hang art in the most effective ways. The following articles provide professional perspectives on creating effective art displays. If you have questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at
Want all our best hanging information in one handy place? Get our FREE e-book, Everyone's Guide to Art Hanging, a richly illustrated 50-page collection of professional advice on creating great art displays, whatever your level of experience. Download your complimentary copy here, and start planning your next display!
Locally oriented businesses and organizations can attract visitors and publicity with art shows — learn how in our new e-book, Art Shows for Everyone. It's full of expert perspective and practical advice. Get your copy now.

Learn how to hang art effectively with simple, easy to follow advice from art hanging professional Marilyn Swift, owner of an art gallery on Boston’s North Shore. She explains her system for hanging art, and how to apply your own personal taste and visual intelligence.

Art hanging professionals know how to hang art in groups, to attract and engage viewers more effectively than single pieces can. Learn about systems for art hanging in effective groupings in this Art Hanging Basics article.

Effective lighting helps ensure that viewers can see and appreciate the artworks you’re showing. Here are some strategies and tips on how to light art displays in a wide variety of venues on any budget.

Salon style art hanging can be a great way to create effective displays of paintings, photos and other works - and to better utilize art display space in your gallery, office or home. Here are simple tips on how to hang art in this historical, hip, and useful system for picture hanging.

Here’s some advice on how to choose a picture hanging system from among the many on the market today. With a little research, you can select a supplier and product line that will serve you well for many years.

Choosing art lighting for your display space can be confusing, given the many available options. Here are some tips on a strategic approach that can help you work through the alternatives.

Office and facility designers can save money and increase satisfaction with display equipment that allows quick and easy modifications.

Curators and gallery owners traditionally have tried out placement and grouping ideas by laying artworks on the floor or leaning them against the wall. But neither gives a true sense of what the display will look like in place - see how to hang art a better way.

The John Spoor Broome Library, intellectual heart of the California State University Channel Islands campus, uses visual art (displayed on over 1000 feet of Gallery System wall track) to help build community.