Designer and Illustrator Laurie Baars on Her GalleryOne System
Seattle-based surface designer and illustrator Laurie Baars recently installed a GalleryOne art hanging system in her home, and finds the flexibility “really freeing”
Saluting Our Client, JHF, for Coverage of Their OMA Art Program
Congratulations to our client, the Jewish Home Family (JHF) organization of Rockleigh, NJ, on the publication of an article about their implementation of the Opening Minds through Art (OMA) program for people with dementia.
Pinterest: Image-Rich Social Media for Visual People
Pinterest (including Gallery System's pages) can be a great source of visually oriented information and inspiration on art and art display
Can An Art Hanging System Preserve Office Harmony?
Gallery System art hanging systems are great problem-solvers in art galleries and other display spaces - and sometimes they help with interpersonal issues, too.
The Power of In-Situ Photos for Online Art Presentation
Artists and their representatives often want to reach audiences beyond those who can see their work in person. This frequently involves sharing images of art online, via social media or websites; guest blogger Carolyn Edlund offers suggestions for making these virtual displays strong and compelling, including the use of in-situ images and effective art lighting.
Houzz Features Gallery System Picture Molding Hooks
Picture rail moldings, which date to Victorian times, were the original picture hanging system; Gallery System’s adjustable hangers for picture rail molding were recently featured on the home design site, Houzz.
Gallery Spotlight: Art Veteran Opens Online Boutique Gallery
Today’s Gallery Spotlight is a little different – it’s about a new online gallery that’s taking an innovative approach to connecting art lovers with artworks.
2016 ArtsUp Award Winners Announced
We are so pleased to announce this year’s ArtsUp award recipients, who were selected based on their unique and effective approach to encouraging arts in their community. This year’s awardees are all dedicated to providing access to the power of creative expression – both for artists and community members.
Gallery Spotlight: Teyjah’s Art Den, Salmon Arm, BC
An artist opens a handsome new gallery for display of her cave wall petroglyph paintings – and offers practical suggestions for designing exhibits attracting and holding visitor interest.